Friday, September 27, 2013

A Recap of the Tundra

September 30, 2013
They are not lying about the frigidness of the tundra. My entire week in Fort McPherson consisted of three-pair-of-socks days and layer after layer of sweaters for warmth. But I can most certainly say it was worth it. There's something about being in the stillness of the cold air that instills a sense of peace in you. There's a quiet strength that forms, one that resonates only with the clear skies of the tundra.
Beneath the ground is considerable permafrost, a frozen layer that limits the plant life in the biome. Yet still plants manage to flourish in the form of mosses and lichens here. It's an extraordinary idea, this ability to thrive in such hostile climates. If anything, the tundra has taught me to never underestimate others. After all, look at the blooming plants.

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